Hello World!

This is Badr, I am a computer science engineering πŸ’» student based in Bordeaux 🍷, France. With a keen interest in business, research and finance πŸ“ŠπŸ”.

This website serves as a platform to showcase some of my works and ambitions.

My story began in my cozy room πŸ’»πŸͺ‘ in Tetouan, Morocco, where I designed my first website and developed my first program.

I studied Mathematics during my high school and undergraduate years. My journey led me to l’ENSEIRB in Bordeaux, where I am now building my professional career.

This is my story. Visit my About page to learn more about me, or let’s connect and explore opportunities to work together on my Contact page.

Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn πŸ’Ό as well.

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